
Poland with the second lowest unemployment in the EU

According to statistics from the EU Statistical Office Eurostat unemployment rate in Poland is 3.1%, which places Poland second. The Czech Republic is in the lead with a rate of 2.7%. This is a great result given that the unemployment rate in the European Union reached the highest level of 7.4% in August for two years.



Forecasts estimate that the result may change. In Poland, the situation is stable, while in the Czech Republic unemployment rate is slightly increasing. In this way Poland has a chance to take the first place on the list of developed countries according to the OECD. Only Japan has less than 3% of unemployment at this time, but the situation is changing. If the trend continues to grow in Japan, Poland has a chance to become a leader in OECD countries. As reported by Polskie Radio in an interview with Andrzej Kubisiak, Deputy Director for Research and Analysis at the Polish Economic Institute, the Polish government’s mobilization of anti-crisis shields had a major impact on this situation. They have saved the labor market from unemployment. For this time, Spain has the largest number of people without work – 16.2%. The second highest score is in Italy, 9.7% and the third highest in Lithuania, 9.6%. But there is no data from Greece in this report. It will probably be at the end.


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