
Good business climate. What attracts investors to the country on the Wisła river?

Poland remains in the top positions in the rankings of investment attractiveness. This tendency has been going on for several years. Our country, not only in Europe, but also worldwide, is considered one of the most attractive destinations for investment.

At the beginning of January in this year, the Polish Investment and Trade Agency announced that Poland is the third preferred location in Europe for foreign investments. Of course, the coronavirus has slowed down investment. The reasons for the slowdown of the markets were the uncertainty of investors and the lockdown resulting in restrictions on free movement. However, this is not a specific situation for our country, but a global crisis which all countries are facing. It is worth noting that, according to The CEO Magazine, Poland is on the podium in the ranking of locations worth investing in in the post-covid era. We also ranked high in similar rankings in the pre-pandemic times. In 2019, we were fifth on the Global Best to Invest list, followed by China, Germany, Great Britain and India. We did a similar thing in the Financial Times report, according to which Poland also ranks fifth in terms of the value of new investments.

According to the “Investment Climate” report prepared by Grant Thornton, the Polish Investment and Trade Agency and HSBC, as many as 94% of foreign investors would invest in Poland again. Investors appreciate the transparency and reliability of business partners. Cooperation with the local government administration is also ranked well. A friendly environment for business development also creates the quality and efficiency of service in offices and assistance in establishing contacts with business partners.

Sources: grantthornton.pl, thecoemagazine.com, biznes.gazetaprawna.pl

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